Using OpenFace-Cambridge Face Expression Toolbox
OpenFace is a powerful toolkit that provides facial landmark detection, pose tracking, action unit recognition, gaze tracking, and facial feature extractions. Here I share the simple way to setup OpenFace using a Docker container.
Install Docker
Install docker at
Download the Docker container
The Docker container is at but you essentially just have to type the following command into the terminal.
docker pull benbuleong/openface-cambridge
Run the Docker container
docker run -dit --name openface -v /Users/jinhyuncheong/Dropbox/facecam_exp:/opt/OpenFace/build/bin/facecam_exp benbuleong/openface-cambridge
-dit :
–name : rename your running image or Docker will name it for you
-v : attach a directory for your data
Access the Docker container
docker attach openface
Do some feature extraction
./FeatureExtraction -f facecam_exp/Data/Jin/2_720_trimmed.MP4 -outroot facecam_exp/Data/Jin -of 2_Jin_OF.csv -q
See the full argument and other methods here
The output file is a csv file in which Facial Action Units are listed in terms of presence and intensity.
Action units covered are:
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